i3wm Keybinding
i3WM Keybinding ⌨️
install exodia-i3wm
# OR
install exodia-i3wm-predator # For Predator Edition
mod -> super (window key)
Keybinding | Function |
mod+Return | Opens a terminal (alacritty) |
mod+t | Opens a terminal in fullscreen mode |
mod+Shift+Return | Opens a terminal in floating mode |
mod+Shift+f | Opens file manager (thunar) |
mod+Shift+e | Opens a text editor GUI (geany) |
ctrl + alt + t | themes Menu |
mod+Shift+w | Opens a web browser (firefox) |
alt+Control+v | Opens a TUI text editor (vim) |
alt+Control+n | Opens a TUI text editor (NEOvim) |
alt+Control+r | Opens a TUI file manager (ranger) |
alt+Control+h | Opens a TUI system ressources monitor (HTOP) |
alt+Control+b | Opens a TUI system ressources monitor (Bashtop) |
alt+F1 | Opens app launcher |
mod+n | Opens network menu |
mod+x | Opens a powermenu |
mod+m | Opens the music menu |
mod+i | Opens internet menu |
mod+s | Opens screenshoting menu |
mod+r | Runs apps as root |
mod+w | Opens windows menu |
Takes a screenshot | |
mod+Print | Takes a screenshot (5s delay) |
Shift+Print | Takes a screenshot (10s delay) |
Control+Print | Takes a screenshot of active window |
mod+Control+Print | Takes a screenshot of an area |
alt+Control+l | Launches the i3lock lockscreen |
mod+q | Kills focused window |
mod+c | Kills focused window |
mod+j/k/l/semicolon | Changes focus |
mod+Left/Down/Up/Right | Changes focus |
mod+Shift+j/k/l/semicolon | Moves focused window |
mod+Shift+Left/Down/Up/Right | Moves focused window |
mod+h | Split in horizontal orientation |
mod+v | Split in vertical orientation |
mod+f | Enters fullscreen mode for focused container |
mod+Shift+z | Change container layout (stacking) |
mod+Shift+x | Change container layout (tabbed) |
mod+Shift+c | Change container layout (toggle split) |
mod+Space | Toggle floating/tiling |
mod+Shift+Space | Change focus between tiling / floating windows |
mod+ | Focus the parent container |
mod+d | Focus the child container |
mod+1-2....9-0 | Switch to workspace |
mod++Shift+1-2....9-0 | Move focused container to workspace |
Control+Shift+c | Reloads the config file |
Control+Shift+r | Restarts i3 inplace |
Control+Shift+q | Quit i3 session |